For many years, President Yoweri Museveni has been leading Uganda in a good way. He has been there for the people and that is why they have been rewarding him through the ballot as they have been reelecting him so that he can continue with the good work.
Just recently, President Yoweri Museveni caused positive reactions from many Ugandans after appointing Buzeki to a senior position in Kampala.
Just days after her appointment, Sharifah Buzeki has made a move as she highlighted her commitment to addressing key challenges in the City. The new Kampala Capital City Authority Executive Director emphasized that one of her top priorities will be fighting corruption within the authority, ensuring transparency and accountability in KCCA operations.
That shows that Sharifah Buzeki is capable, strong and ready to take over the position and perform as expected. Although it is a tough seat, Buzeki’s words show that she is equal to the task and now, many Ugandans will be watching how she will perform.