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الرئيسيةNewsRuto's Gov't Responds After SHA Tariffs Uproar, Here Is Amount You'll Get...

Ruto’s Gov’t Responds After SHA Tariffs Uproar, Here Is Amount You’ll Get If Admitted To ICU

Kenyans for the last few days have been attacking the government over the Social Health Insurance Fund. Through various posts online, Kenyans claimed that the social fund was not covering other needy cases in hospitals. Lesbian them with huge bills despite promising to cater for needy people in the society.

Through X account, activist Kwamboka lamented how she was forced to pay cash at Kenyatta National Hospital. According to her, she has been paying for the SHA subscribe but upon seeking medical services, she was told to pay in cash. 

“Ain’t reading all that BS, SHA is not working and most patients are stranded,  the smooth  transition from NHIF never happened, the government is paying its lapdogs to do PR for a failed initiative, why should we have  to know people to get help of a public initiative? The same energy you used to type all this you could have used it to call your master and tell him Hali si Hali.
Ask Ruto the meaning of universal healthcare and come yap here about premium etc.
You  can  clearly see all that amount went to ecitizen.” Posted Kwamboka.

“You  can’t  cut the hand that feeds you. Wewe bootlick government kabisa, kwa ground people are seeing bad things,  patients are detained.
Nhif never used to ask us all these shitty questions,  it also had a booklet of what it covers on each category. Tell your master he can’t tax us all this money and monthly payments to sha and still give us shitty services.
We demand a functional, inclusive healthcare system, not one that benefits a few while leaving others to struggle. Universal healthcare should be accessible to everyone, not selective or exclusive.” Posted Kwamboka.

Her post made state House communication director Mr. Gerald Bitok to issue a statement. He claimed that SHA has different tariffs depending on the premiums someone is paying. He continued by asking Kwamboka to pay premiums and enjoy the best from the new health system.

The ministry of health has finally highlighted some of the tariffs offered at Sha. According to the latter shared by the ministry of health. Kenyans will get the following premium services if admitted to Intensive Care Unites at Level IV Hospital, level 5 and Level 6 facilities.

  1. Level IV Hospital – 3360per Day
  2. Level V Hospital – 3920 per day
  3. Level 6 facilities – 4480 shillings per day.

Any amount above the highlighted one will force Kenyans to dig deeper into their pockets In order to get services.

The ministry has also issued a statement saying they will form a committee that will review services offered at outpatient facilities going forward.

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